Take our free assessment demo
Try our FREE DEMO of the Pyramid of Success Individual Assessment.
It's a 20-question (modified version of the full 100-question) sample assessment that focuses just on The Foundation (bottom tier) of the Pyramid.
This free demo will take you about 3-5 minutes.
How to Take This Assessment
Please respond to each statement based on your current perception of your daily behavior using this scale:
- 0 = This statement describes me and/or my behavior never.
- 1-2 = This statement describes me and/or my behavior rarely.
- 3-4 = This statement describes me and/or my behavior less than half the time.
- 5 = This statement describes me and/or my behavior half the time.
- 6-7 = This statement describes me and/or my behavior more than half the time.
- 8-9 = This statement describes me and/or my behavior almost all the time.
- 10 = This statement describes me and/or my behavior all the time.
You're finished!
You answered all the questions for The Foundation blocks. You rock!
Now take the opportunity to see your scores.