Newsletter Sample #2 – Industriousness

Welcome to the second week of the Sunday Night Prep For Monday

Newsletter Sample #2 – Industriousness

The Pyramid of Success

Tonight’s lesson discusses the first block of Coach John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success; Industriousness.

Industriousness produces the most productive kind of hard and smart effort. While some may think tricks and shortcuts are a quick route to success, these paths fail to genuinely develop the strengths and potential that lies within.

Coach Wooden always said:

“Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning.”

coach wooden

Moving forward you should learn to enjoy the hard work; it builds strength, and strength creates endurance and builds character. A lack of this kind of genuine effort is a missed opportunity.

Reaching your potential requires that you make your best effort every day. That you seek perfection not only in what work accomplishes, but in the type of work that produces the best result; that is industriousness.

Coach Wooden looked at every job, drill, and task with this idea in mind.

“Do not mistake activity for achievement.”

coach wooden

The effort invested, the time spent on the job, the activity, the task, must produce the outcome desired. If not, stop doing it. Change it. Improve it. Don’t just be busy. Be industrious.


Look at your daily schedule and list of to do’s.

Do you think you have spent enough time planning what needs to be done and eliminating the busy work?