Video Project Instructions

We have an all-hands-PRP meeting coming up and want to give an update on the LEaP meetings. Since the all-hands meeting will be on Zoom, an easy way to do this is by making a 2-minute video.  We need nine (9) volunteers to help make the video. Each volunteer will “take a block” from the first two tiers (The Foundation and The Second Tier).  IndustriousnessFriendshipLoyaltyCooperationEnthusiasmSelf-ControlAlertnessInitiativeIntentness.

So, you can see… – pretty simple task. Take your iphone/camera and film yourself with the block that you’re assigned. Send the video to Adam Douglas (post on a cloud-drive and send link would be best – or email him small enough file)  [email protected]
Deadline:  March 31st (Monday) to give us time to polish it and make the video.